Seems Expensive; is it Worth it?

Sure, at first glance, cosmetic tattoos can seem like a pricy investment. But when you break it down, you’re gaining so much back.

What beauty routines have you stuck with in order to maintain your personal aesthetic?

  • Hair? If you get it professionally colored quarterly, you could be spending anywhere between $600 - $1800 a year.

  • Nails? If you maintain a simple manicure bi-weekly that costs around $50 (including tip), that could run you $1200 a year. And, well, you can do the math if you tend to spend more.

  • Lashes? Your back on the bed monthly and spending around $800 - $1000 a year.

  • Botox? Oh girl, I sure hope you’ve considered that upkeep is at least $1500 a year, if not much more.

  • Gym membership? DoorDash convenience? How much did you accidentally spend at Target the other day?

You see, what you find expensive is all relative. The initial set-up costs of cosmetic tattooing is to ensure you’re good for around 9-18 months! Then your color-boost touchup cost is still around the same as — or less than — what you spend in one session with your hair colorist. Not to mention how infrequently you have to come back to see me! You get so much of your valuable time back to do what makes you happy. And if you’re anything like me, a good brow day already makes you happy!

Speaking of investments, that’s exactly what cosmetic tattooing is. It’s an investment and commitment to yourself. The pigment is meant to fade over time and — believe me — you want that. This means we can adjust the tattoo as you age, as trends change, as your personal aesthetic evolves. If these things happen faster than your pigment fades, removal is also an option.

Jayme Basil